Thursday, October 18, 2007

As I sit here 2 days before turning 40, I am reflecting on my past memories and experiences and yet am excited about future opportunities of the next decade of my life. I am not sure I could of said that about 2-3 years ago. I was totally afraid of this milestone and felt un-easy that my life was now about to be half over. My 20’s brought me a sense of identity with college, relationship mistakes and living by myself. My 30’s brought me the two greatest ‘loves’of my life – my husband and beautiful daughter. And now 40? Hmmm…it should be an open canvas and thanks to getting my health back in order – it will be! Venture with me into this new decade and learn from my past experiences looking at life from the perspective of a truly busy girl…could that be you too? I don’t intend to slow down, but fine tune the engine to high performance. In the fine words of the wise young savvy sage herself, Natasha Bedingfield from her song “Unwritten”,:
“I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined, I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned….”My story starts here…..

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